Congratulations to all of the newly elected chapter leadership and a warm welcome to the committee chairs! As you already know leadership does not come without challenges, but if
you can persevere you will find your rewards in time. Thank you to all the president’s who have submitted their results to me.
That is a good segue into what I am sure was a surprise to all of you—the non-renewal of our national EVP, Beth Brooks’ contract. She implemented many streamlining measures and has
indicated many additional areas where we could continue those efforts. I sincerely hope that you recognize the careful consideration taken before making a decision of that
magnitude. I am extremely optimistic about the future of our organization and while this is challenging we will persevere in determining the best moves forward for our association.
As always, I am available for your questions or comments. I hope that you will attend the Annual Meeting in Orlando and see for yourself the new changes to our convention. It promises to be an exciting and informative event that I am sure everyone will enjoy!